Saturday, January 2, 2010

Welcome to AARP, Molly

I somehow got on the mailing list for AARP News. How this happened I don't know but I do know that it started the week after I turned twenty-six. Seriously? Am I that old now that I need to start getting emails about how to safely shop on the internet and good tips for Medicare?

In other news, Christmas 2009 was really nice and I enjoyed a relaxing weekend of family time, movies, puzzles, and good food. I found a bit of a theme in the gifts I received: two boxes of food storage from the distribution center, a hand-crank wheat grinder, a new set of scriptures, "A Single Voice" by Sister Oaks, and Anne of Green Gables on DVD. If my friend had told me those were her Christmas presents I would have told her that there is an opening for a treasurer in the "Molly Mormon Club" and asked what size she wanted for her t-shirt. Please don't misunderstand me, I absolutely love my gifts and I actually asked for most of those things sometime in the last five years - I just didn't expect to get them all at once.